The IBHA Team:
leaders of the industry.

IBHA members comprise some of the personal care industry’s foremost executives and scientists. It is an industry body made up of industry experts who understand the challenges and issues faced by all stakeholders and are best placed to suggest workable solutions.

IBHA is staffed and managed almost entirely with practicing industry leaders. The 14-member executive committee consists of leaders from the industry. The association’s technical, legal, anti-counterfeit, waste management and Ayush subcommittees specialise in dealing with issues in a more targeted way, while leveraging members who are the leading specialists of the industry.

Office Bearers
Dinesh Dayal
Dinesh has spent over 3 decades
in the industry. He was part of the
founding team of L’Oreal in India,
and went on to serve as the
company’s COO. In 2015,
Dinesh quit L’Oreal to set up an
advisory firm La Terre Growth
Advisors, offering consultancy to
premium brands in the consumer
sector. He has served as the
President of IBHA since 2014 and
has worked on important issues
and initiatives like plastic waste
management, anti-counterfeits,
taxation (GST), safety standards,
toxicology, overall policy and
regulatory issues of the personal
care industry. Prior to September
2014, Dinesh was a key contributor
to the re-making of IBHA from
ISTMA in 2012.
Dev Bajpai
Dev has been a member of the
Management Committee of HUL
since May 2010 and was inducted
on the Board of Directors of HUL
as a Whole Time Director with
effect from January 2017. He has
more than 30 years of experience
in diverse industries that include
Automobiles, FMCG, Hospitality
and Private Equity, in the areas of
legal, governance, tax and
corporate affairs. In the past,
he has worked with Maruti Udyog
Limited, Marico Limited, Indian
Hotels Company Limited and ICICI
Venture Funds Management
Company Limited. He has been
part of committees of Apex
Industry Organisations such as
CII & FICCI. Dev has been on the
Board of IBHA since May 2016.
He has represented the Industry
before Parliamentary Committees
and is actively involved in
advocating public policy.
Ghanashyam Hegde
Ghanashyam is Vice President & General Counsel, ISC and ANZ at Proctor & Gamble. He is responsible for providing legal & ethical thought leadership for P&G’s business in the Indian Sub-continent where he supports the business flourish in complex regulatory and legal environment. In addition to legal, risk, compliance management, he also has the responsibility to support the Board of Directors of 3 group companies listed in India.

Ghanashyam has been IBHA’s Treasurer since 2018. He also plays an active role in IBHA’s regulatory and policy advocacy efforts, while representing P&G on several industry associations.

Malathi Narayanan


A passionate, persevering and
seasoned professional with nearly
three decades of experience in the
field of advertising and marketing
communications across board,
Malathi took up the stewardship
of the association as a challenge in
2012 when it was being relaunched
as IBHA. She has helped build IBHA
into a robust trade body with
renewed credibility in the eyes
of all stakeholders.
Executive Committee
Dinesh Dayal
LaTerre Growth Advisors
Dev Bajpai
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Ghanashyam Hegde
Procter & Gamble
Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.
Malathi Narayanan

IBHA Director-General

Neeraj Khatri
Wipro Enterprises
Pvt. Ltd.

Surender Sharma

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.
Dr. Nagarajan

Sanjay Srinivas

ITC Ltd.

Amit Bhasin


Dr. Venkat Yadlapalli

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Abhishek Jugran
Dabur India Ltd.
Dr. Vijendra Prakash
Himalaya Wellness Company
Geetika Mehta
Nivea India Pvt. Ltd.
Krishna Vilasini
L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.
Geeta Bajaj
Estee Lauder
(Special Invitee)
Executive Committee
Dinesh Dayal
LaTerre Growth Advisors
Dev Bajpai
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Ghanashyam Hegde
Procter & Gamble
Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.
Malathi Narayanan
IBHA Secretary-General
Neeraj Khatri

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Surender Sharma

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.
Dr. Nagarajan

Sanjay Srinivas

ITC Ltd.
Amit Bhasin
Dr. Venkat Yadlapalli

Godrej Consumer
Products Ltd.

Abhishek Jugran
Dabur India Ltd.
Geetika Mehta

Nivea India Pvt. Ltd.

Geeta Bajaj
Estee Lauder
(Special Invitee)
Dr. Vijendra Prakash
Himalaya Wellness Company
Krishna Vilasini

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.


IBHA Technical Committee

Vrinda Rajwade

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Dr. A. Sivakumar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Abhijit Chaudhuri

International Flavours & Fragrances
India Pvt. Ltd.

Abhinav Pattnaik

Chanel (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Adip Roy

Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Anushree Surve

Estee Lauder

Amit Sirdesai

Dabur India Ltd.

Arshdeep Joshi

Givaudan (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ashish Dixit

Dabur India Ltd.

Ashish Yekhe

Marico Ltd.

Akshay Anand


Anand Srinivasan

Kama Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

Geeta Bajaj

Estee Lauder

Bhuvana Nageshwaran

Ultra International Ltd.

Chandni Jain

Chanel (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Thirumalaivelu Swaminathan


Dr. Chandrika Mahendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. James Bhaskar

ITC Ltd.

Dr. Jayashree Anand

Hygienic Research Institute Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Shilpa Vora

Marico Ltd.

Dr. V. Prakash

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Virendra Tripathi

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.

Manas Vyas

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Namrata Dubey


Navraj Bhindra

NK Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Nikita Baheti

Nikole Kozmetics Pvt. Ltd.

Nila Ragha

Givaudan (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Nasharah Siddiquee

Atomy Enterprise India Pvt. Ltd.

Phani Kumar

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Rohan Ghadshi

Kaya Ltd.

Priti Chodankar


Rajiva Rai

Dabur India Ltd.

Sagar Samant

Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Private Limited

Rupinder Raut

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Sumeet Jaiswal

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Shivaji Rai

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Shruti Hardikar

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

D K Srinivasaprabhu

Cholayil Pvt. Ltd.

Soumi Dey Sarkar

Kama Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

Vidya Jain

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Vikas Kumar

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Vikas Tiwari

Reliance Retail Ltd.

Vikas Punetha

Amway Inda Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Varun Jain

NIVEA India Pvt. Ltd.

Vivekananda Mehendale


Legal Committee

Vidya Chandrasekar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Abhijit Yadav

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Amit Bhasin

Marico Ltd.

Sandesh Kasabe

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

D K Gupta

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Dnyanesh Sabnis

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Julie Buragohain

Himalaya Wellness Company

Ghanashyam Hegde

Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.

Himanshu Bhatia

Dabur India Ltd.

Kanika Shah Wadhwa


Somya Rai

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Dhivya Menon

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Mayur Vasani


P L Mishra

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Mandar Chandrachud

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Rabindra Purohit

Nivea India Pvt. Ltd.

Raghav Ganesh

Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.

Ravi Kumar

Kama Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd

Shadab Akhter

Marico Ltd.

Surender Sharma

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Vivek Mishra

Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.

Jessica Rastogi


Vaibhav Mehta


Sujeet Jain


Ayush WG

Dr. Sanjay Sharma

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Dr. Govindarajan

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Prabodh Halde

Marico Ltd

Dr. Chandrika Mahendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Om Prakash

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Vikas Punetha

Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Phani Kumar

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Vivekananda Mehendale


Anti-Counterfeits Committee

Shubham Istrewal

Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.

Rabindra Purohit

Nivea India Pvt. Ltd.

D K Gupta

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Dnyanesh Sabnis

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Milind Palany

Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd.

Shamin Marwah

Marico Ltd.

Mandar Chandrachud

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Ankit Shah

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Rajlakshmi Sharma

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Vaibhav Mehta


PWM Committee

Rajeeva Srivastava

Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.

Isha Singh

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Abhijit Yadav

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Srinidhi Rao

Marico Ltd.

Varun Jain

Nivea India Pvt. Ltd.

Indranath Sengupta

ITC Ltd.

Rakesh Sahni

Johnson & Johnson Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Virendra Tripathi

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Byas Anand

Dabur India Ltd.

Sanjay Harlalka

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Technical Committee Working Groups

Imported Cosmetics

Sumeet Jaiswal

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd. – Chair

Geeta Bajaj

Estee Lauder

Priti Chodankar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L’Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Shruti Hardikar

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Ram Pande

Marico Ltd.

Prajwal Shetty

Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.

Dr.Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Premanand Gunjal


Varun Jain

NIVEA India Pvt. Ltd.

Sagar Samant

Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Private Limited

Hygiene products

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.

Nimish Shah

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Dr. Virendra Tripathi

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Chandrika Mahendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Biodiversity Regulations

Dr. A Sivakumar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd – Chair

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L’Oréal India Pvt Ltd

Geeta Bajaj

Estee Lauder

Arshdeep Joshi

Givaudan (India) Pvt Ltd

Dr. Vijendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd


Vrinda Rajwade

Hindustan Unilever Ltd – Chair

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L’Oréal India Pvt Ltd – Vice Chair

Arushi Choudhari

Estee Lauder

Khushboo Gupta

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Adip Roy

Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Achin Jain

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd

Dr. Thirumalaivelu Swaminathan


Dr. Jayashree Anand

Hygienic Research Institute Pvt Ltd

Dr. Om Prakash

Lotus Herbals Private Limited

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd

Phani Kumar

Zydus Wellness Products Limited

Rupinder Raut

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd

Sagar Samant

Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Private Limited

Vikas Tiwari

Reliance Retail Limited

Chemical Regulation

Vikas Dixit

Wipro Enterprises Pvt Ltd – Chair

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L’Oréal India Pvt Ltd

Dr. Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd

Ashish Dixit

Dabur India Ltd

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Priti Chodankar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Vikas Tiwari 

Reliance Retail Ltd

Dr. J Doss


Local Cosmetics

Sumeet Jaiswal

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd. – Chair

Dr. A Sivakumar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd

Vikas Kumar

L’Oréal India Pvt Ltd

Shruti Hardikar

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd

Sumeet Jaiswal

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Om Prakash

Lotus Herbals Private Limited

Prajwal Shetty

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd

Ashish Dixit

Dabur India Ltd

Rupinder Raut

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd

Vivekananda Mehendale


IBHA Technical
Vrinda Rajwade
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Geeta Bajaj

Estee Lauder

Dr. A. Sivakumar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Abhijit Chaudhuri

International Flavours & Fragrances India Pvt. Ltd.

Abhinav Pattnaik

Chanel (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Adip Roy

Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Anushree Surve

Estee Lauder

Arshdeep Joshi

Givaudan (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Ashish Dixit

Dabur India Ltd.

Ashish Yekhe

Marico Ltd.

Anand Srinivasan

Kama Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

Bhuvana Nageshwaran

Ultra International Ltd.

Chandni Jain

Chanel (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Chandrika Mahendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

D K Srinivasaprabhu

Cholayil Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Jayashree Anand

Hygienic Research Institute Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Jayaprakash Doss

ITC Ltd.

Dr. Shilpa Vora

Marico Ltd.

Dr. V. Prakash

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Manas Vyas

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Navraj Bhindra

NK Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Nikita Baheti

Nikole Kozmetics Pvt. Ltd.

Nila Ragha

Givaudan (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Nasharah Siddiquee

Atomy Enterprise India Pvt. Ltd.

Namrata Dubey


Phani Kumar

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Priti Chodankar


Rohan Ghadshi

Kaya Ltd.

Rupinder Raut

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Sagar Samant

Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Private Limited

Shivaji Rai

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Shruti Hardikar

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Sumeet Jaiswal

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Soumi Dey Sarkar

Kama Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Thirumalaivelu Swaminathan


Vidya Jain

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Vikas Kumar

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Vikas Tiwari

Reliance Retail Ltd.

Vikas Punetha

Amway Inda Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Varun Jain

NIVEA India Pvt. Ltd.

Vivekananda Mehendale


Legal Committee

Vidya Chandrasekar
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Abhijit Yadav

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Amit Bhasin

Marico Ltd.

Sandesh Kasabe

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

D K Gupta

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Dnyanesh Sabnis

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Julie Buragohain

Himalaya Wellness Company

Ghanashyam Hegde

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Himanshu Bhatia

Dabur India Ltd.

Kanika Shah Wadhwa


Dhivya Menon

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Sujeet Jain


Mayur Vasani


P L Mishra

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Raghav Ganesh

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Ravi Kumar

Kama Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd.

Shadab Akhter

Marico Ltd.

Surender Sharma

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Vivek Mishra

Bajaj Consumer Care Ltd.

Jessica Rastogi

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Vaibhav Mehta


Vinita Patil

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Ayush WG
Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
Dr. Govindarajan

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Prabodh Halde

Marico Ltd.

Dr.Chandrika Mahendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Om Prakash

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Vikas Punetha

Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Phani Kumar

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Vivekananda Mehendale


Shubham Istrewal
Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.
D K Gupta

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Dnyanesh Sabnis

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Rajlakshmi Sharma

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Ankit Shah

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Shamin Marwah

Marico Ltd.

Mandar Chandrachud

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Vaibhav Mehta


Swarnika Rawat

Nivea India Pvt. Ltd.

PWM Committee
Rajeeva Srivastava
Procter & Gamble Hygiene
and Health Care Ltd.
Abhijit Yadav

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Srinidhi Rao

Marico Ltd.

Indranath Sengupta

ITC Ltd.

Dr. Virendra Tripathi

Wipro Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Byas Anand

Dabur India Ltd.

Technical Committee
Working Groups

Imported Cosmetics

Sumeet Jaiswal

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd. - Chair

Geeta Bajaj

Estee Lauder

Priti Chodankar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Shruti Hardikar

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Ram Pande

Marico Ltd.

Prajwal Shetty

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Dr.Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Premanand Gunjal


Jyothsna Bojja

NIVEA India Pvt. Ltd.

Sagar Samant

Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Private Limited

Vivekananda Mehendale



Vrinda Rajwade

Hindustan Unilever Ltd. - Chair

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd. - Vice Chair

Arushi Choudhari

Estee Lauder

Khushboo Gupta

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd.

Adip Roy

Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.

Achin Jain

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Dr. Thirumalaivelu Swaminathan


Dr. Jayashree Anand

Hygienic Research Institute Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Om Prakash

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Phani Kumar

Zydus Wellness Products Ltd.

Rupinder Raut

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Vikas Tiwari

Reliance Retail Ltd.

Sagar Samant

Henkel Adhesives Technologies India Private Limited

Hygiene products

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Nimish Shah

Hindustan Unilever Ltd

Dr. Chandrika Mahendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Chemical Regulation

Vikas Dixit

Wipro Enterprises Pvt Ltd – Chair

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Girish Parhate

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Priti Chodankar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Vikas Tiwari

Reliance Retail Ltd

Dr. Jayaprakash Doss


Biodiversity Regulations

Dr. A Sivakumar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd. - Chair

Dr. Gurubasavaraja KM

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Geeta Bajaj

Estee Lauder

Arshdeep Joshi

Givaudan (India) Pvt. Ltd.

Dr. Vijendra

Himalaya Wellness Company

Dr. Manoj Gaur

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.

Vrinda Rajwade

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Local Cosmetics

Sumeet Jaiswal

Oriflame India Pvt. Ltd. - Chair

Dr. A Sivakumar

Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

Vikas Kumar

L'Oréal India Pvt. Ltd.

Shruti Hardikar

Colgate Palmolive (I) Ltd.

Dr. Om Prakash

Lotus Herbals Pvt. Ltd.

Prajwal Shetty

Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd.

Ashish Dixit

Dabur India Ltd.

Rupinder Raut

Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.